Title: uncharted waters 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh, Aodh Prompt: 88B "hug" Word Count: 638 Notes: Prompted by a request. Expanded from well. tha's a problem. Still sketched.
Title: crunch. 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Yasha, Dutch Prompt: 04A "physics" Word Count: 493 Notes: Prompted by a poll response. Roughly the same timeframe as well. tha's a problem. Dutch still hangs out with klgaffney.
Title: Well. Tha's a problem. 'Verse/characters: Wild Roses; Niamh Prompt: 76C "nameless" Word Count: 171 Notes: Uncharted waters. They're in uncharted waters, half a day from home. Prompted by a poll response.